How to lose weight - fast

You can lose weight fast. Research has shown that these strategies can help you to lose weight quickly and sustainably.

1. Eat more protein.

Eating a high-protein diet has been shown to promote weight loss and improve body composition. 

Protein can increase feelings of fullness, reduce appetite, and boost metabolism. 

Break your fast (breakfast) and initiate your meals eating protein sources and you’ll feel fuller.

Aim to include protein-rich foods such as lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, and dairy in your diet.

2. Increase your physical activity

Exercise helps burn calories, increase metabolism, and build muscle mass, which can further enhance weight loss. 

Aim to be consistent with your physical activity. Even simple at home workouts of 20-30 minutes a day (Before you shower) can make a big difference.

3. Consider doing IF (Intermittent fasting).

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dietary approach that involves alternating periods of eating and fasting.

It can help you to lose weight, reduce insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation and improve brain function. 

Think about this, before supermarkets, food delivery or even fridges were invented, humans naturally evolved to have intermittent periods of fasting. 

You can enjoy all these benefits with an IF protocol. One of the most popular is the 8/16 (A window of 8 hours to eat your meals and a 16 hours window to fast).